Thursday 171130



Tabata That Thing
8 Rounds of :20 work, :10 rest, alternating between stations:
Chin over bar hold
Ring support hold
Hollow body hold
Handstand hold

Post results to comments and BTWB

#tbt to last year’s chili cook off. Melissa and Fred standing proudly by their winning chili “Chili So Good You’ll Forget Your Macros”. Who will get the apron this year??



Who’s ready for Verve’s second annual chili cook off?!?!

That’s right, it’s that time of year again, the weather is getting cooler and we need something warm for our bellies. Plus, if you didn’t know, Verve has some AMAZING cooks. . . so it seems right to let them show off their skills. The question for everyone to ask is, will the Liskowski’s be able to take home the trophy 2 years in a row or will they be de-throwned??

Saturday December 16th, after open gym from 1pm-3pm, Verve will have several members bring in their home cooked chili for your tasting pleasure. Following the tasting, votes will be cast for the best chili in the house, and a winner will be crowned. . . or rather aproned. 

Here are the rules of the cook off-

For the cooks:
1) Chili must be made in advance and brought to Verve by 12:45pm for set up. Please have a crock pot full. (croskpots and/ or heaters can be plugged in at Verve)
2) Chili needs to have a name (one that does not give away it’s maker), hotness level (mild, mediun, hot), and any allergy concerns listed in an email to by Wednesday December 13th @ 7pm.
3) Chili maker’s identidy needs to be withheld during tasting.
4) We will have some fixins for the chili, however, if there is something specific that goes with yours, please bring it and have it set up next to your chili.

For the tasters:
1) We will provide small tasting cups to sample all. After sampling is complete, tasters may enjoy a bowl of their favorite.
2) You will be provided a card as you enter, this is to cast a single vote for your favorite chili. *One vote per person* **Do not even think about tasting and not voting!!**
3) Cooks may also be tasters.

*If you would like to enter a chili for this contest, please email me @

To help wash down that delicious chili, we will have water and beer. 

To help keep the kids busy while you are boozing and snacking, we will have tables set up with arts and crafts.

So be sure to get to Verve at 1pm, hang out, mingle, talk about macros and if chili fits them, if you are a morning person talk with an evening WODer and vice versa. Enjoy a few hours away from home, judging other people’s cooking. 


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